Friday, October 24, 2008


The Bahama Conch Community Land Trust is hosting a special, one-time showing of a film, The Journey, on Wednesday, October 29 at the Tropic Cinema on Eaton Street. The film is being screened as a benefit and fundraiser for a new BCCLT initiative called the Tennessee Aquatic Program. It documents the year-long journey of a group of African-American young people from Tennessee who undertake to discover and learn to value themselves and their heritage, and to learn valuable life and workplace skills along the way. The money raised here in Key West is to be used to bring that same opportunity to local youth.

The film will be shown at 6:00 PM on the 29th. Tickets are $10 for students and teens, and $25 for adults and are limited to the seating capacity of the Tropic’s theater. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Tropic Cinema web site, or at the box office.

Immediately following the film showing, BCCLT will hold its annual meeting at Top of La Concha. The annual meeting is open and the public is invited to attend. For those wanting to eat there will be a full buffet available at a cost of $35 per plate.

On Friday, October 31, BCCLT caps off its annual meeting week by conducting escorted tours of BCCLT properties and the Truman Waterfront location of Bahama Conch Village. On that day there will also be an outdoor luncheon served at the rear of BCCLT’s new offices located at 305 Julia Street.

We hope to see many Bahama Villagers and other Key Westers there as can make it to either or both events.

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